Sunday, 3 April 2011

Use Twiends to gain more twitter followers,get more likes for your fan pages and more youtube views.Just think what you could do with all that traffice
Twiends Is absolutely free and growing quickly

* 2000 signups a day
* 300,000 visitors a month
* 400,000 members so far
* 50,000,000 introductions


Twiends is free and very simple to use just sign up for an account or sign in with your twitter account and you can start growing your list of followers straight away

Please remember to be responsible, see twitter's rules on aggressive following and churning
It works by points called seeds they give you 40 to start with and you can gain extra seeds by following others,liking pages or watching videos.You can also opt to buy packages of points.Your seeds are used up by people watching your videos,following your twitter or liking your fan page.


You control how many seeds you pay out for each category.You could set a follow on twitter as 3 ,a face book like as 4 and a youtube view as 6,its upto you.The more you put into it the more seeds you will get therefore the more seeds you will have so you can gain more followers on twitter,more youtube views,and more likes on facebook
You can fill out your profile for bonus seeds and use this as a place to link to your website

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